Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wish it were on Video

Last night, within the span of time between dinner and bed, Jack did two HUGE and miraculous things.

The first involved walking. Jack's been getting better and better recently at putting weight on his legs in standing and assisted walking, but this was totally new and different. I put Jack on his feet and put one of his favorite toys in my mouth so I could face him and hold his hands. Then, without even prompting or pulling him in any way, he took three or four REAL steps toward me to get the toy, with ALL of his weight on his legs! It was so different from the "walking" he has done lately. It was totally amazing! He got the toy and immediately started laughing, he was very proud of himself!

The other amazing thing he did was while his father started running his bath. He was in the living room, on the side with his toy bins, a wall that faces outside. When he heard his bath water being run, all the way across the living room and hallway and in the bathroom, he began scooting toward the sound of the water. Within a MINUTE he made it all the way to the bath tub! He's never done anything like that! He started scooting a couple months ago, but has never gone that far, never tried to go into another room like that!

We are very proud of him!!